a festival for games and experimental interactions

September 29, 2018
Boulder, CO


9AM - 10PM
Check-in and Coffee Hour
Come early to check-in and meet with the other attendees over coffee and a cereal buffet in the lobby of ATLAS where you can explore our featured experimental games
9AM - 4PM
Whaaat!? Tabletop
All day long we'll have a rotating selection of tabletop and experimental games in the ATLAS lobby for you to explore. and play with your friends.
10AM - 10:15AM
Opening Remarks
10:15AM - 11AM
Morning Keynote with Mattie Brice
Weirder Than Fiction: Play-Worlds & Radical Imagination: As games evolve, game-makers and their methods of design change along with them. Not only do we advance in technology and hone techniques but discover alternative methods of creation that produce alien and confrontational work the field hasn't seen before. And with new, stranger games comes new and stranger forms of play as players evolve alongside the kinds of games they interact with. This talk follows work in adapting methods and influences from other fields, such as speculative design and performance art, to expand the form of games but also to involve players into kinds of play they haven't experienced before. In a world where consumer entertainment further encroaches on reality through monetizing our data and leisure time, game designers can fight back by creating weirder games that at least confront the dominant paradigms that bind us.
11:15AM - 12PM
Session 1: App Store Discoverability: On Naming, Going Free, and the Long Tail
With Justin Shacklette: Data Scientist, Activision: You just submitted your first mobile game...and no one can find it. Here are some awesome mistakes you can avoid and some easy tips on how to be discovered in the app store.
11AM - 3PM
ATLAS Black Box
Whaaat!? Arcade
The ATLAS Black Box and Lobby will be home for the day to an amazing collection of indie and experimental games from all over the world. Find some hidden gems and new favorites. See the full list of these exciting exhibitions.
11AM - 3PM
ATLAS Black Box
MAL presents That Kid in Your Neighborhood's Basement
The CU Media Archeology Lab has curated a special vintage videogame exhibition for Whaaat!? Featuring some vintage consoles and favorite classics from years ago, this is a rare occasion to play some amazing games including Q*bert, Zork, Contra, GoldenEye and the infamous ET on an original Commodore 64, Apple //c, Atari 2600, NES, N64, Sega Genesis, and Vextrex!
11:15AM - 12PM
Game Design/Development Local Industry Panel
Chris Lessard, Business Developer at Bolder Games; Zhenghua 'Z' Yang, Executive Producer at Serenity Forge; Judy Tyer, Founder 3 Turn Productions; and Mathew Sisson, Owner and Chief Creative Officer at Stellar Factory sit down to talk about games and the local community.
12PM - 1PM
Boulder Area
Lunch Break / Game Lunch
Wander down to Pearl Street or over to the Hill with your new friends to socialize and eat some of Boulder's best!
1PM - 2PM
Design Diary Live with Jason Tagmire
Design Diary Live - Design inspiration comes from everything: Every day Jason Tagmire works on a new game design based on a word of the day. He pulls up the dictionary, grumbles at how difficult the word of the day is, and then over the course of the day fills his design diary with pages of notes and drawings about a potential tabletop game. Sometimes it's something as simple as a turn order mechanic, but sometimes it’s inspiring enough to create a full game. In this session, he will present and discuss a word live, discuss some favorites as well as how restrictions breed creativity and finally bring in the audience to participate on a word of their choice.
1PM - 3PM
Nintendo LABO Workshop
Join ATLAS Professor Daniel Leithinger for a 2 hour workshop using the Nintendo Labo. Build cardboard contraptions to amaze and astonish your friends!
2:15PM - 3PM
Session 2: Level Design Techniques
With Casey Holtz, Creative Director at Mechanical Butterfly Studios: In this discussion we will cover the process of designing a level from the initial concept to completion. We will cover techniques for paper design, pacing and difficulty ramping as well as game engine workflows that will help you design engaging levels in an efficient way while avoiding some common pitfalls. We will try to leave time for questions and discussion at the end of the talk.
3PM - 3:45PM
Closing Keynote with Pippin Barr
A Flurry of Odd Interactions: The Art of Videogame Experiments: There is a rich history of experimentation in many forms of art that has led to striking, unusual and beautiful aesthetic experiences. Artists from Sol LeWitt to John Cage to Marina Abramovic all show us ways in which art can push boundaries, involve its audience, and consequently learn more about itself. In this talk, Pippin Barr will profile a collection of his own experimental videogame works in conversation with experimental approaches in other artistic media. The resulting flurry of odd interactions will help us to examine how videogames can use related experimental and artistic strategies to grow, mutate, and generally explore more of the available design space. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll videogames.
3:45PM - 4PM
Closing Remarks


Mattie Brice

Mattie Brice is an artist and design researcher working with play and games to engage social issues and create new cultural practices. Her approach is interdisciplinary, mixing theoretical research with critical practice with a focus on grassroots activist change. She began her career as a media critic in games journalist publication like Kotaku and Paste speaking to the experiences of marginalized players and creators while introducing alternative narratives of design to contemporary industrial practices. Mattie participated in DIY movements that distributed tools and resources for marginalized people to be able to make games without programming knowledge or formal game design training and began making her own work, the first being Mainichi which toured exhibition spaces internationally. She also organized community events around diversity and games such as the Queerness and Games Conference that focused on bringing together marginalized voices into a community of practice and thought. Currently Mattie teaches design research at NYC universities such as NYU and The New School and is developing play experiences and methodologies for creating interventions for power abuse and discrimination in professional and intimate networks.

Pippin Barr

Pippin Barr is a videogame maker, educator, and critic who lives and works in Montréal. He is the Associate Director of the Technoculture, Art, and Games (TAG) Lab, Canada's premier games research centre and part of the Milieux Institute for Art, Culture and Technology and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Design and Computation Arts at Concordia University where he teaches courses in programming, videogame design and expressive uses of web technologies. Pippin is a prolific maker of videogames, producing work addressing everything from airplane safety instructions to contemporary art to the nature of videogames and videogame technologies. He has collaborated with diverse figures such as performance artist Marina Abramović, Twitter personality @seinfeld2000, and the International Federation for Human Rights. Pippin holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand with a dissertation that examined the presence and mediation of values in videogames. Pippin is a well-known figure in the independent and artistic videogame scenes, maintains a process of radically transparent videogame design and development via his presence on GitHub, and his book, How to Play a Video Game, introduces the uninitiated and culturally curious to the world of video games. Pippin's website, www.pippinbarr.com, organises his diverse activities into a central location.

Jason Tagmire

Photo Credit: Matt Skoufalos.

Jason Tagmire is a game designer from South Jersey and the founder of Button Shy Games. On the design side, Jason started out his adventure by winning The Game Crafter's Resource Game Design Contest with his family-friendly resource management game, Sandwich City. Shortly after, he reduced our 16th president to 16-bits in his card game, Pixel Lincoln. He's also the designer of the AEG card-throwing game, Maximum Throwdown, the Philly Geek Awards 2016 Game of The Year, Pretense, and Eagle Gryphon's Seven7s. Additionally, Jason founded Button Shy Games, a family publishing company that focuses on small games that can fit in your pocket. All games are hand assembled in the Tagmire household by Jason, Carolyn and the rest of their family, then shipped directly to the customers, allowing for a personal connection in every single game. Some of Button Shy's biggest success stories are Sprawlopolis, Circle The Wagons, and Avignon: A Clash of Popes, which together have sold over 12,500 copies without any retail presence.

Featured Games

Button Shy Collection - Jason Tagmire

Since 2016, Jason Tagmire has been releasing a portable 'wallet' tabletop game each month through Button Shy Games. For Whaaat!? he's bringing the entire collection for attendees to play including Sprawlopolis, Circle the Wagons, and Avignon

Busy Work - Mouse & the Billionaire

IndieCade 2017 Media Choice award winner and 2018 XOXO Festival arcade feature, Busy Work will run at Whaaat!? for (possibly?) the last. time. ever. This fast-paced multiplayer game makes a frantic and hilarious gameplay out of the monotonous aspects of office work. You and your colleagues (up to 4 players) compete to answer as many customer emails as possible before the morning meeting while constantly being interrupted with phone calls, pop-up calendar reminders, ‘urgent’ physical tasks, and more.

Closer - Marie Claire LeBlanc Flanagan

Closer is an infinite scroller where you try to stay alive. But the controller is the space between two bodies. It's a continuously cooperative game.

Enhance.Computer - Nicole He

Nicole He's cyberpunk voice game that pokes fun at the Let's Enhance trope.

Geobio - Bearwarp

geobio is an interactive multimedia installation from bearwarp that utilizes salvaged consumer electronics to influence a digital landscape. Interactions with objects such as answering machines and alarm clocks transforms the created environment into a chaotic field of broken household items, accelerates the changing of the weather and produces a cacophonous soundscape.

One Hour, One Life - Jason Rohrer

Jason Rohrer's newest game, One Hour One Life is an experiment in creating real community in a gamespace. You can only last one hour at a time, but the tech tree in this game will take hundreds of generations to fully explore. Rely on those around you and instruct the next 'generation' to keep society progressing.

That Kid in Your Neighborhood's Basement - MAL

The CU Media Archeology Lab has curated a special vintage videogame exhibition for Whaaat!? Featuring some vintage consoles and favorite classics from years ago, this is a rare occasion to play some amazing games including Q*bert, Zork, Contra, GoldenEye and the infamous ET on an original Commodore 64, Apple //c, Atari 2600, NES, N64, Sega Genesis, and Vextrex!

Ravine - Stellar Factory

Started as an ATLAS Game Design class project and part of an overwhelmingly successful Kickstarter campaign, Ravine is a strategic and cooperative wilderness survival card game.

Shadowfier - Blaine VanNice

Shadowfier is a fast paced, 4 player, table top card game where players take on the role of assassins in competition working to be the last one standing. Bribe, steal, and slay on your way to victory in a game where killing your friends is simply the fun thing to do. Shadowfier was the capstone project of Blain VanNice who graduated from the TAM major in the spring of 2018

SOLA - Agustina Isidori

SOLA is a video game that embodies the climate of tension, discomfort and fear that can be experienced by many women while walking alone at night in cities where gender-based violence is embedded in everyday life. SOLA was developed in collaboration with Samuelle Bougault.

Sokpop Collection

Dutch game design collective Sokpop has been releasing a game every two weeks to their faithful Patreon subscribers. Whaaat!? will feature a collection of our favorites, including Zoo Packs, their adorable take on online two-player strategy games.

...and many many more surprises to come!

Getting to Whaaat!?

ATLAS Institute

All events at Whaaat!? (excluding lunch) will be in the ATLAS Institute at CU Boulder. Paid parking can be found in the nearby Euclid lot (underneath the CASE building), and free parking within walking distance can often be found on the Hill, west of Broadway


Games can be fun, and interactions can surprise you. But it takes something truly special to make you say, "Whaaat!?"

Whaaat!? is a one-day festival for games and experimental interactions that celebrates the feeling that you get from those delightful experiences. It will feature talks, a curated arcade of experimental games, workshops, panels and more!

Brought to you by the ATLAS Institute and made possible by the CU Boulder Engineering Excellence Fund.

Contact: festival [at] whaaat.io